29 October 2021

Last week the Government announced it will provide additional funding to support Auckland businesses in the form of grants for business advice delivered through the Regional Business Partner Network. These grants will now not require a matching contribution from businesses.

Minister Grant Robertson stated: “We are announcing today a $60 million fund for business advice and mental health support in Auckland.

“This will be delivered through the established Regional Business Partner Network with grants for advice now not requiring a matching contribution from the business. Businesses will be able to apply for up to $3,000 worth of advice and planning support, and then receive up to $4,000 to implement that advice.

“This fund has been requested by businesses. It worked well in the first phase of COVID to support businesses to re-align themselves with a changed and challenging business landscape. Some businesses used it to develop a new on-line presence, others to change the focus of their production, or to target a different market.

“As part of the package, $10 million is being provided for mental health and wellbeing support to small businesses. This will be delivered through a programme to be designed in conjunction with the EMA and Auckland Business Chamber of Commerce.”

Further details of the announcement, which includes changes to the Resurgence Support Payment, are available here.

UPDATE:  This funding is now available. See our new article for details.   

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